Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cooking Contest -Dhokra by Zulekha Bai

     Oil, 1 cup
    Onions 1 cup, sliced 
    Spinach, fresh, 250 grams 
    Red Ripe Tomatoes 4 large whole
    Potato,  4 large 
    Peas, fresh, 1 cup 
    Eggplant(brinjal), fresh, 1  unpeeled 
    Fenugreek(methi) leaves 1 cup 
    Dill weed, fresh, 1/4 cup sprigs 
    Beans, french, 1 cup 
    Beans, red kidney, 1 cup 
    Bean (Fava), Crisp Broad, 1cup 
    Salt, 2 tsp 
    Red chilli, 3 tsp 
    Turmeric, ground, .5 tsp
    Garlic Paste, 2 tsp
    Ground Coriander seed, 3 tsp 
    Cumin powder, 2 tsp 
    Millet Flour(bajre ka aata), 500 gms 
    Oil or ghee, 3/4 cup
    Green Chilli  paste, 1 tsp 
    Coriander (cilantro) leaves paste, 1 tsp 
    *Red chilli, 1/2 tsp 
    Salt, 1 tsp 
    Ground Coriander Seed, 1 tsp 
    turmeric, 1/2 tsp 
    cumin powder, 1/2 tsp 
    Coriander (cilantro) leaves, raw, 1 pinch


    1. Take oil in a pan. Add onion and fry till light golden brown.
    2. Add fenugreek(methi) leaves, 1/4 cup water, red chillies, coriander powder, cumin powder, turmeric, salt, garlic and tomatoes, fry till oil separates.
    3. Add spinach, carrots, potatoes, peas, three kinds of beans, and 1 cup water, cover and cook on medium heat.
    4. When vegetables become tender, add 2-3 cups of water, eggplant, dill weeds, green chillies and mix. Bring to boil, and then add muthiya, and cook on low heat. After 2-3 mins add coriander leaves. Again simmer for 10-12 mins.

    1. Mix all the ingredients except ghee.
    2. Add the ghee gradually and continue mixing. Make it into dough. Cut into small balls.
    3. press the small dough balls in your wrist to get finger depression prints on one side.

    You can also add Fish if you like

    Cooking Contest-Gur Papdi by Shumaila Arif


    • 2 cups Wheat Flour
    • 1 1/2 cup jaggery(grated)
    • 1 cup ghee
    • 1/2 tsp elaichi powder
    • Badam grated just for topping(optional)


    1. Grate Gur.Should be uniformly grated smooth.
    2. Heat 2 tbsp ghee in a kadai and add wheat flour and roast it.When the colour starts changing,pour the remaining ghee and roast well till badami colour.Aromatic throughout the house.
    3. Add elaichi powder.
    4. Add jaggery gur and switch off the gas immediately.
    5. On that heat itself,stir well so that jaggery Gur mixes with ghee and wheat.
    6. Grease ghee in a plate and pour that gurpapdi in it.Spread evenly with the rolling pin.
    7. Cut it into desired shapes and on the top drizzle grated almond.This is optional.
    8. Tasty Gur papdi is ready.

    یوم یکجہتی کشمیر۔۔۔! طیبہ ضیاء

     Courtesy Nawai Waqt
    5th Februaury 2011
    پاکستان میںہر سال 5 فروری کو یوم یکجہتی کشمیر بڑے جوش و خروش کے ساتھ منایا جا تا ہے۔ عام تعطیل ہوتی ہے۔کشمیریوں کے ساتھ اظہار محبت کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس طرح مسئلہ کشمیر زندہ رہتا ہے۔ تاریخ تازہ ہوتی رہتی ہے۔۔۔ مگر اس روز پاکستان کی اکثریت سو کر گزارتی ہے ، پاکستان میں عام تعطیل کا مطلب سونا اور کھانا سمجھا جاتا ہے! ۔۔۔
    مقبوضہ کشمیرکے ایک ٹاﺅن ”سوپور“ میں بھارتی فورسز کے ہاتھوں دہشت گردی کے مزید دو المناک واقعات پیش آئے۔ دو جواں سالہ بہنوں ”عارفہ اور اختر“ کو سفاکی سے قتل کر دیا گیا۔ لڑکیوں کو بندوق کی نوک پر ان کے گھر سے اغوا کیا گیا اور دور لے جا کر گولیوں سے چھلنی کر دیا گیا۔ اس سے پہلے مقبوضہ کشمیر کے ہی ایک قصبے میں دو لڑکیوں”آسیہ اور نیلوفر“کی عصمت ریزی کے بعد انہیں قتل کر دیا گیا۔

    جموں و کشمیر میں پیش آنے والے صرف ان دو حالیہ واقعات سے ہماری مظلوم کشمیری بہنوں اور بیٹیوں کے ساتھ ہونے والے مظالم کا اندازہ لگایا جا سکتا ہے جو بھارت سرکارکی دہشت گردی کا کھلم کھلا ثبوت ہیں۔ اس مظلوم خطے میں آج تک بے شمار لوگوں کی دنیا اُجڑ چکی ہے ان میں مزید دو گھروں کا اضافہ ہو گیا ہے حالانکہ بھارتی فورسز کی جانب سے بیان جاری ہوا تھا کہ 2011ءکے دوران جموں و کشمیر میں انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزی نہیں ہو گی اور یہ سال امن و آشتی کا سال ہو گا۔ بھارتی سرکار اور اس کے دوست دیکھ رہے ہیں کہ 63 سالوں سے جاری آزادی کشمیر کی جدوجہد میں کمی واقع ہونے کی بجائے شدت آتی جا رہی ہے۔کسی قوم کے جہد مسلسل کو جانچنے کے لئے63 برس کا عرصہ کافی ہوتا ہے مگر چشموں، پہاڑوں، دریاﺅں، وادیوں، باغات سے دستبردار ہونا بھارت کی شکست ہے، نقصان ہے، پسپائی ہے جبکہ اس طویل جدوجہد کے دوران ایک لاکھ سے زائد کشمیری شہید ہو ئے، ہزاروں معذور ہوئے، ہزاروں جیلوں میں قید و بند کی صعوبتیں برداشت کر رہے ہیں ، ہزاروں سرحد پر مارے گئے، برفوں تلے دب گئے، اغوا کرکے غائب کر دئیے گئے، لا تعداد خواتین آبروریزی کا نشانہ بنیں مگر نہ جدوجہد تھم رہی ہے اور نہ ہی ظلم اپنا ہاتھ روک رہاہے۔ مقبوضہ کشمیر کی جدوجہد آزادی چار نسلیں نگل چکی ہے۔ معاشی و تعلیمی اعتبار سے بھی کشمیری قوم محرومی کا شکار ہے۔ قلم دوات کی بجائے ہاتھوں میں پتھر اٹھائے پھر رہے ہیں۔ غربت ،بیروزگاری ، ظلم، بے انصافی کے خلاف سراپا احتجاج بنے ہوئے ہیں مگر اقوام متحدہ نے کانوں میں روئی ٹھونس رکھی ہے اور آنکھوں پر پٹی باندھ رکھی ہے جبکہ مسئلہ کشمیر بین الاقوامی سطح پر فلسطین کے بعد دوسرا بڑا سیاسی مسئلہ ہے۔ اس حساس مسئلہ پر پاکستان دو جنگیں لڑ چکا ہے جس کی وجہ سے پاکستان معاشی ، سیاسی و جغرافیائی اعتبار سے کمزور ہو چکا ہے۔

    اگرچہ قیام پاکستان کے بعد سے آزادی جموں و کشمیر کی جدوجہد کو تریسٹھ برس ہو چکے ہیں مگر آزادی حق کی یہ تحریک بہت پرانی ہے۔ مہاراجہ گلاب سنگھ نے جب کشمیر کو انگریزوں سے خرید کر موجودہ ریاست جموں و کشمیر کی تشکیل کی تو کشمیریوں نے اپنے حقوق کی آزادی کی ”کشمیر جمہوریہ“ تحریک چلائی۔1931 میں کشمیری عوام نے اپنے سینوں پر گولیاں کھائیں،آزادی کے لئے قربانیاں دیں۔ اس وقت پاکستان کا وجود نہ تھا۔ پاکستان کی قرارداد 1940ءمیں منظور ہوئی تو آزادی جموں وکشمیر کی تحریک قیام پاکستان کے بعد ایک سیاسی مسئلہ بن کر ابھری۔ کشمیریوں میں یہ احساس بہت پہلے سے موجود تھا کہ وہ ایک اس خطے میں ایک ریاست کے طور پر موجود ہیں۔ ان کی اپنی ایک شناخت ہے۔ 1947 میں جب پاکستان و بھارت کو آزادی حاصل ہوئی تو کشمیریوں کو بھی آزادی کی امید دکھائی دی مگر انگریز اور ہندو کی ملی بھگت سے جموں وکشمیر کو ”متنازعہ“ بنا دیا گیا اور بھارت یہ مسئلہ اقوام متحدہ میں لے گیا۔ مسئلہ کشمیر کو دونوں ملکوں کی حکومتوں نے استعمال کیا۔1949 میں پاکستان کے وزیر خارجہ سر ظفر اللہ نے اقوام متحدہ میں قرارداد پیش کی کہ اس مسئلے کو مسئلہ جموں و کشمیر کی بجائے پاکستان و ہندوستان کے مابین تنازعہ کے طور پر سمجھا جائے۔ اس ترمیم کے بعد بین الاقوامی برادری نے جموں و کشمیر کو پاک بھارت کا متنازعہ مسئلہ قرار تو دے دیا مگر ان تریسٹھ برسوں میں پاکستان کو چار ایسے ملک نہ مل سکے جو بھارت کے خلاف کشمیر کے سلسلے میں اس قرارداد کی تائید کر سکتے۔ اقوام متحدہ کی قرار داد کے تحت دونوں ملکوں کے درمیان لائن قرار دی گئی تھی۔ دونوں ملکوں کی جانب سے کئی ڈائیلاگ ہوئے،کئی عہد و پیمان ہوئے مگر مسئلہ کشمیر حل کی طرف جانے کی بجائے مزید الجھتا چلا گیا۔ مسلمان ممالک بھی آزادی کشمیر کے لئے بھارت پر دباﺅ ڈالتے ہیں اور نہ ہی اقوام متحدہ میں آواز اٹھاتے ہیں جبکہ بھارت کے ساتھ ان کی کھربوں ڈالروں کی تجارت ہے۔ پاکستان ایٹمی طاقت بن گیا ہے پھر بھی اس کے حکمران اس مسئلہ کے بارے میں سنجیدگی کے اس مقام تک نہیں پہنچ پائے جہاں جموں وکشمیر کی آزادی و خود مختاری ممکن ہو سکے۔ ؟

    پاکستان میںہر سال 5 فروری کو یوم یکجہتی کشمیر بڑے جوش و خروش کے ساتھ منایا جا تا ہے۔ عام تعطیل ہوتی ہے۔کشمیریوں کے ساتھ اظہار محبت کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس طرح مسئلہ کشمیر زندہ رہتا ہے۔ تاریخ تازہ ہوتی رہتی ہے۔۔۔ مگر اس روز پاکستان کی اکثریت سو کر گزارتی ہے ، پاکستان میں عام تعطیل کا مطلب سونا اور کھانا سمجھا جاتا ہے! ۔۔۔

    All photos in this post do not belong to original post.

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Cooking Contest- Gobhi Aur Meethi by Sadaf Ghaffar

    Gobhi   derh kilo
    Adrak paste 4 tbl spoon
    Pyaz 150 gm
    Tamatar 150 gm
    Lal mirch ½ tea spoon
    Lemon juice 1 lemon ka
    Zeera 1/3 tea spoon
    Ghee ½ cup
    Meethi 400 gm
    Lehsan paste 4 table spoon
    Namal hasb e mansha
    Haldi pwdr 1/3 tea spoon
    Green dhania
    Dahi 1 cup

    Gobhi ko dho kar uske phool alag alag kar lein
    Aik pateli me namak daal ke pani ubal lein aur kati hui gobhi us me daal dein
    Aik alehda bartan me oil garam karein aur pyaz konarm hone tak bhonein
    Ab is me adrak lehsan ka paste mile dein aur 5 min taka chi tarah pakayein phir is me tamatar daal dein aur tel alehda hoen tak pakayein ab is me dahi baqi tamam masalhe meethi aur ubali hui gobhi daal dein.jab is me ubal aa jaye to mazeed 15 min tak pakayein,paish karne se kuch der pehle is me lemon nichor lein aur dhania se garnish kar dein
    Chawalon ya roti se khayin

    Cooking contest-Khatte Potatto Balls by Ambreen Merchant

    1 kg- potatoes, boiled
    3 to 4 - garlic cloves,minced
    1 to 2 - green chillies (or as per taste)
    1/4 tsp - turmeric
    1/2 tsp - mustard seeds
    1/2 tsp - cumin seeds
    2 pinch of coriander seeds(sabit Dhania)
    Imli (soaked )or lemon seeds as per taste
    Chaat masala tbl spoon
    Grinded red chillie  tea spoon
    Red chillie powder a pinch
     pich of garam masala
    Few Corriander leaves
    few sprigs of curry leaves
    salt to taste
    For the batter:
    about 1 to 1/2 cups - gram flour
    pinch of baking soda
    little salt to taste ( take care since the filling has some salt too)
    1/4 tsp - chilli powder (as per taste)
    Boil the potato,peel themt
    Add the potatoes along with the rest of the ingredients for the filling and mash them well till there are no lumps
    Make small balls out of them.
    Mix all the ingredients for the Batter, add some water till you get a thick batter.
    It should be thick enough to make a smooth coating for the potato balls.
    Drop the prepared balls in the batter, coat them with all over.
    Heat oil in a pan
    Drop these balls in hot oil. Fry them.
    Take care to see that oil is not too hot.
    Keep it med-high and once you drop the balls inside lower the heat a bit.
    Remove when reddish yellow.
    Serve with some ketchup or green chutney.

    Cooking contest-Kokum Karhi by Farzana Dhedhi

    Kokum 6-7(if powdered almost a pinch)
    Ajwain a little
    Sabut Laal Mirch 8 to 10
    Black Pepper(sabut) 5-6
    Salt to taste
    Coconut ½(powdered or grinded)
    Cocounut water ½ cup
    Oil 2 spoon

    In a sauce pan fry laal mirch till almost dark brown
    Add the other spices
    Add in slowly coconut water and powder
    Add water as required
    Leave to simmer for half hour
    Kokum karhi is ready

    Cooking Contest-Gur Paapdri by Sana A Karim

    Gur ½ kg(cut into pieces)
    Oil 2 cup
    Gond 200 gm
    Elaichi  2-3
    Pista 100 gm
    Almonds 100 gm
    Kajo 100 gm
    Til 50 gm
    Coconut 100 gm
    Akhroot 100 gm
    Maida ½ kg
    Any or all of the dry fruits you like.Chop all the dry fruits leaving only a little sabut for garnishing
    Add half oil in a pan and  add gond and fry on a medium flame when it turns golden brown and increase in quantity take it out and set aside to cool for a while than grate it
    In the oil in the pan fry the aata stir it up hard and well till it starts giving smell and turns slightly reddish.
    Take another pan put the remaining oil in it add elaichi and then add pieces of gur
    When gur melts and comes in the form of a paste add the already fried atta in it stir and mix well add the grated gond and stir well and hard
    Slowly add the grinded or the chopped dry fruits one by one and continuously stir otherwise the maida will turn dark brown and spoil the taste
    When finely mixed take out in a open dish and add the dry fruits left aside for garnishing cut mark square pieces on the dish but do not take them out until it cools down and get hardened,

    Cooking Contest-Leele Masale ji Akni By Fatima Ghani

    Chicken/Mutton/Beef 1 kg
    Rice 1 kg  soaked in 5 glass of water for half hour(1 litr)
    2 onion chopped
    11/2 cup oil
     2 tsp zeera,
    4-5 elaichi open it
     garlic 6-7,
    2 cinnomon sticks,
    5-6 long
    Garam masala mix 1/2 tea spoon
    badian phool,
    8-10 black pepper
    ginger 1 inch piece
    green chillies 8 to 10 or as you like
    salt to taste
    tomatto ( a bit green)
    Dhania Powder 2 tbspoon
    Dhania fresh
    potatoes 4-5 cut into 2
    yougurt 1 cup

    Fry onions n just before it turns gold add in Zeera,elaichi,long,cinnomon sticks,Garam masala mix,badian phool, black paper ginger-garlic paste and close the lid of the pot for a while and then stir it well for a few minutes.
    When onions r pinky gold add meat chopped green chillies, 1 tsp salt and 2 tsp dhania powder.
    Let it cook a bit then add yougurt and potataoes. (in case of beef potatotoes should be put in when the meat is tender)
    When the meat is tender(cooked) and oil comes out (that is water dries) add the soaked rice with water.

     Cook on high heat n stir the rice several times.
    When little water left  add tomato and leave to simmer and cover lid till rice is cooked.
    Garnish with fresh chopped corriander.
    Serve with yogurt raita

    Malbari Hotel.......An Old Man's Day Dreams


    Think About It...!!!!!!!!! 
    By Abdul Sattar Lakhana
    It was another boring day as usual ,we had gathered at the malbari hotel gossiping aimlessly without any particular topic. All of a sudden our malbari surprised us, he bought as a plate dried dates (chuarrus )and sweet balls (ladoo).We were surprised or we may say shocked by his unexpected show of affection ,Yaqoob Kiria asked malbari why this hospitality ,malbari explained that his daughter wedding was solemenised today in his hometown in Malabar.

    How come you are in Karachi and you daughter’s wedding Malabar. Malbari replied  that as her father my duty was ti provide the finance , I sent 100000 rupees last month, other matter of marriage are ladies responsibilities and interest and there was nothing.I could do by going there, I prayed for prosperous future for the newly wedding couple right here, my son in law works in Dubai ,he will take my daughter to Dubai after some time ."How much did you say you sent?" asked Siddiq Master," you sent only 100000 rupees!!!! ?" Yes said malbari ,that was more than enough my wife has saved about 2000 rupees out of that."" How many guests you invited at the dinner ?Master asked surprised,:"We don’t have lavish wedding dinners,some close relative   ladies come to our house and they are served with tea. Bride & groom are gifted with useful things like the,bride gets a wedding dress casting 1500 or so , “chaurrus”are distributed  at the time of nikah."

    Siddiq master shook his head in disbelief he said,"my daughters wedding was solemenised about six months back .I had borrowed about 6 lac rupees from friends and relatives.Besides whatever I had saved, was also spent in this event." Malbari was shocked by siddiq’s statement. He asked what is so expensive in a marriage.Siddiq said about 2 lacs were spend on a modest dinner,we had to purchase full bed room furniture and electric gadgets like fridge DVD player microwave oven etc etc.Total comes to more than 4 lac rupees.Add to it the cost of 4 to five family dinners bridal dress, mehndi and beauty parlour expenses.This is the first phase of the expenses.After the marriage our son in law starts various demands .He may demand loan for motor bike and some money for business investments and more like that.We can not refuse otherwise our daughter will not be able to adjust in her house.'

     As this is not enough other relatives of son in law like his brothers,sisters and mother line up in a que to get some gold ornaments as gift.This costs further 2 lacs or more as you know the present rising cost of gold.Even then if a daughter can live in her house happily,its Allah’s blessings.

     "I have observed that some characters demand a house to live in.Thank God this demand is not wide-spread but some young man treat their marriage as a lottery ticket and demand everything that they are not able to provide for their bride.It does not end at that.When the couple is blessed with a child total expenses of child’s delivery and gifts for the little one costing thousands of rupees are to be provided by the bride’s parent.In older days people buried their girls alive for this reason.Just think that a girl’s parent have to manage about a million rupees for the child’s marriage.In this age of rising cost ,this is impossible for any poor or middle class family."said malbari and stood up to get back to his work. 

     Malbari has opened our eyes by giving his own example of simplicity and hostility.If we could follow  our Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) all problems would vanish in thin air.

    Monday, January 31, 2011

    Ghulam Muhammad Adamjee Fecto

    Late Mr. Ghulam Muhammad A. Fecto, the Founder and Chairman of FECTO Group of Industries was born in 1926 at Jetpur in the Indian state of Gujarat, into a respectable Sunni Hanafi Memon family. In Mumbai he started business from a small shoe store. The shop is still there with the same name of Coronation Footwear at Grand Road. He migrated from Mumbai to Dhaka in former East Pakistan and started a trading business dealing in electrical goods and home appliances, Radios and TVs, Wire & Cable and Automobiles. Shortly afterwards, the business entered into a joint venture with Japan to manufacture Toshiba radio sets. The company was a pioneer in setting up technical collaboration with Japan.

    The business soon expanded and industrial activities commenced in the western wing of Pakistan. In fact, the Group's pace of development was so fast that it soon flowered into two Sugar Mills, a Tractor Plant, Cement Plant, two Paper Sac Units and Particle Board Mills.

    From 1970 onwards, the Fecto group has diversified its activities from trading to industrial production. This started with the acquisition of Adamjee (now FECTO) Sugar Mills Limited in early 1975, followed by the establishment of Baba Farid Sugar Mills Limited in 1978.

    Bolstered by its initial successes, the group ventured into progressive manufacturing of agricultural tractors and farm equipment including agricultural implements of various types.

    Another major milestone in the Group’s forward march was the establishment of a most modern and pollution-free cement plant with 2000 tons per day capacity. This also made way for the launching of such allied industries as two Paper Sack Units that are located not too far from the cement plant.

    The Group manages two public-listed and Two private companies besides having substantial stakes in many other projects.

    The dynamic Mr. Fecto has enjoyed a very distinguished career. He is the visionary as well as the architect of the FECTO Group. It is because of his inspiring leadership and ground-breaking efforts that the Fecto Group today enjoys a leading position among Pakistan's front-line industrial groups and has established every banks, financing agencies, business and investment circles and the people at large.

    Ever since the establishment of the group's first sugar mill, the FECTO name has become a symbol of Faith and an identity for the Group management's respected business practices both nationally and internationally.

    He also served as the President of All Pakistan Memon Federation.  Soon after being elected as the President of APMF, At the inaugaration of his  tractor company by President General Mohammad Ziaul Haq, in Lahore  he announced a donation of Rs. 5 million on behalf of the Fecto Group to establish a polytechnic institute and an institute for the invalid and mentally retarded children.

    He died on Friday, April 20, 2007, at Karachi.

    Events January 2011

    MEMON RHYMES-Aaon Taan Sumi Wi Wis..!!!!

    History- Bantva

    About 10 km away from the Arabian Sea, On the Khatiawar peninsula in Gujrat is the famous town we all know as Bantva.Prior to the 1947 partition of India, Bantva was a princely state of Manavadar founded in 1760 and locally ruled until February 1948 by Nawab Mo`in ud-Din Gholam Khan, who shared joint descent with Nawab Junagadh.

    On September 9, 1947, the Muslim residents of Bantva, mostly members of the Memon community, formed a delegation to meet with the rulers of Bantva Manavadar, demanding to be joined with Pakistan. On September 25, Bantva Manavadar's ruler announced its accession to Pakistan. The Indian government reacted by sending two companies of armed forces to Bantva on October 3, commanded by Colonel Himmayat Singhjee. The invading forces took over all of Bantva's government offices and declared Bantva to be part of the Indian union. Army pickets were established at various places in Bantva.

    Various uprisings and invasions took place over the next few weeks in neighboring towns. On November 13,
    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, then the minister of India, made inflammatory speeches at a public meeting in Junagadh against the Memon community of Bantava. Specifically, he condemned their contributions to the press fund of the Muslim League when Quaid e Azam visited the town in 1940.

    On November 15, farm laborers from adjoining villages attacked Bantva.Hence driving about 90% of the population of Bantva Kutiyana to migrate to Pakistan. Later, in the early 1960s, Bantva was an active center of trade for nuts and cotton.

    Bantva--Birth place Revisited by Abdur Razzak Thaplawala

    I had migrated from Bantva in the 3rd week of November, 1947 after the houses of Muslims were attacked by Hindu farmers on 15th November, 1947. The houses were attacked in spite of the fact that there was night curfew and Sikh soldiers were on duty at each Street and Mohalla. At that time, I was 11 years old but I still remember the sounds of save us or (Bachao, Bachao) from the women folks whose houses were being attacked.On 16th November, 1947, when the curfew was relaxed for a few hours, all the residence of Bantva gathered at the Bazar outside the main gate (Zapa) of Bantva. cas well. Although, there was no bloodshed in Bantva but the houses were attacked in the presence of Sikh solders. The residence of Bantva were fearful and decided to leave for Pakistan as soon as possible. As a result of this decision, the 25,000 Muslim population majority of whom were Memons decided to migrate to Pakistan. Within 3 days, the residents of Bantva started leaving for Bombay or Okha from where they migrated to Pakistan by steamships.

    After migration in the 3rd week of November, 1947, I did not have the opportunity of visiting Bantva and its surrounding cities until 21st March, 2005.................
    Visit To Bantva 2005

    From Manavadar, we proceeded to Bantva - my birth place. To begin with I went to the office of Bantva Municipality which is known as Bantva Municipal Bureau. The offices of Municipality are located on the first floor of building which we know as Mohammadan Library of our old days. I met the officers of the Municipality and told them that I had come to see my birth place. They were very kind and sent one of their man with me to take me around the Bantva. To begin with we went to what was known as main gate or Zapa of Bantva. The Zapa was no longer there. We went in the bazaar inside the Zapa till the Jamia Masjid. It’s a very beautiful Masjid and the inside and outside condition was still very good inspite of passage of time. My house was behind the Jamia Masjid in Jangra falia. The way to Jangra falia started with residence, offices and motor garages of Adam Haji Peermuhammad (Adam Limited). Unfortunately, all the buildings in this area including Adam Limited’s offices, residential houses and the motor garages had decayed with the passage of time or has been demolished and only a locked compound existed. I proceeded further to see the house where I leaved but could find none because all the houses in Jangra Falia, Agasi Falia & the passage to Rankot were demolished and nothing could be recognized.

    After visiting the Masjid, we went outside the so-called Zapa. There were shops and bazaar outside Zapa and I could see that all kinds of shopkeepers were doing roaring business. Here I met Mr. Nikom Advocate an old friend of brother Siddique Polani. I gave him the copy of History of Banva which was given to me by Siddique Bha. Mr. Nikom Advocate was very happy to see us. He accompanied us to the tour of Bantva. There was a Masjid known as Barwali Masjid outside the Zapa. It was locked and was in very bad condition. I also went to see the Mazaar of Bukhari Sharif. The Mazar is now situated in a beautiful garden and it is in good condition. Going back towards Mohammadan library, we saw Mosque built by Hussain Kasim Dada. It was in a very bad shap. Then we started for Madrassa-e-Islamia and Yateem Khana. The Yateem Khana has been converted into a Girls School and Madrassa now contains a Boys School. The foundation stone of Yateem Khana Islamia Bantva read as follows:

    “The opening ceremony of this building was performed by Bantva Sardar Gadh Darbar Saheb Zabardast Khanjee on Tuesday 21st Jamadiul Aakhir 1356 Hijri and 8th August, 1939.”

    The Girls School and Boys School are being run by a Trust. The Trust is renovating some buildings and also constructing new blocks.

    The foundation stone of Madrassa-e-Islamia read as follows:

    “Madrassa-e-Islamia was opened by Left. Col. J.A. Oilfield Political Agent of Sorath Parant (Province) on 21stDecember, 1930.”

    Both the schools are know known as Sunshine schools. On the way to Madrassa-e-Islamia, I noticed the buildings of Bantva, Gymkhana & Muslim Trust. I was told that Memons from Dhoraji were taking care of some Mosques & Dargahs in Bantva and no Memon from Bantva was giving help.


    After visiting the Yateem Khana and Madrassa-e-Islamia, I proceeded towards the old Railway Station. The outside building of Railway Station looked good as I remembered it in my childhood. Inside the building, I also saw the Ticket Distribution window which still has the instructions for passengers in Gujrati. On the other side of the building, however, there were no signs of a Railway Station. After seeing the Railway Station, I proceeded to see the hospital built by Haji Habib Culcuttawala. The hospital building was old but not in very bad condition. Now it houses a library. Along side the hospital building, there was a mosque. I visited the mosque built by Haji Habib Culcuttawala. It was in a pathetic condition. All the Mehrabs and the mimber had decayed or demolished. A Muslim family was living inside it. They requested us to enter the mosque premises after taking off shoes. We did that but I was very much disturbed by seeing the condition of the Mosque. No mimber, no mehrabs but the lining for safbandi for Namaz could be seen.

    The Kohinoor talkies, the only cinema house in Bantva was opposite the hospital. It was closed. I was told that it functioned for a few years as Jay Hind Cinema.

    Then I proceeded to Bantva Memon Jamat Khana. A portion of Jamat Khana was functioning as Sindhi students school. I could see the class rooms & desks where I studied upto 2nd class before joining Madrassa-e-Islamia. The Class Rooms of the school were apparently in good condition and I could see school desks in most of the rooms.
    Then I started for going out of Banva and saw Ahmed Dawoods Gening Factory which is now running as Oil Mills on Pajot Road. Our friend took us to the house of the Late Danilal Kalilal who worked as Manager of Haji Habib Calcuttawala. He died on 10th April, 2001. His son Kanti Bhai invited us to his house and served tea to us. Mr. Kanti Laal is also a retired person and had good collection of books.

    Bantva is said to have population of 18,000 people. There are only 150 Muslims and 3 or 4 Memon families in Bantva.

    The Bantva, Thapla and Kodvav are part of the what is known as Manawadar Taluka District: Junagadh.

    Questions that will bring a smile to your face:)

    1. What is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything?
    2. What turns everything around, but does not move? 
    3. Paul’s height is six feet, he’s an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?
    4. What types of words are these: Madam, civic, eye, level.
    5. What ends everything always?
    6. When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don’t have me. What am I?
    7. A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed three days, and rode out again on Friday. How did he do that?
    8. What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands? 
    9. It is an insect, and the first part of its name is the name of another insect. What is it?
    10. 2 fathers and 2 sons go fishing. Each of them catches one fish. So why do they bring home only 3 fishes?
    11. Which is the longest word in English?
    12. What's white when it’s dirty? 
    13. What do the letter ‘t’ and an island have in common?
    14. What is so fragile even saying its name can break it? 
    15. What building has the most stories? 
    Click on continue reading for Answers

    Images for Bantva

    Manavdar to Bantva

    Bantva Gymkhana

    Bantva muslim trust property

    Bantva's Agasi FALIA almost demolished

    Bantva's Jangda FALIA behind Jama Masjid

    Bantva's Jama masjid - an inside view

    Bantva's Jama masjid - outside view

    Bantva's JAGDA Falia almost decayed or demolished.jpg

    A street of Bantva inside ZAPA

     Bantva's Jawahir road.

    Garden surounding Baukhari Peer's Dargha 

    Bantva Madresha-e- Islamia

    . Haji Hussain Kasam Dada's Mosque

    Bantva's Muncipal Beuro

    Bantva Jamat Khana

    Bantva's Yateem khana now girls school

    Bantva's Madresi-e-Islamia now boys school.

    Hazrat Gaban Shah boopoo's dargah

    Bantva's railway station

    Bantva muncipal committee's office

     A scene of present Bantva's bazar

    Ticket window of Bantva railway station

    A new shopping centre in Bantva

    New post office on station road Bantva

    Return journey from Bantva - a sign board showing turning

    Courtesy Images: Mr Abdur Razzak Thaplawala